Computer Vision Seminar
Fall 2000

Schedule of Presentations

Instructors: Rama Chellappa, Tapas Kanungo and Azriel Rosenfeld

DatePresenterTopicReadings Slides
September 5 Azriel Rosenfeld Course Introduction/Organization    
September 12 Kanungo, Rosenfeld Discussion: What's a good representation? Ponce et al., "Object representation for object recognition", CVPR94
Hebert, Ponce, Boult, Gross (eds.), "Object representation in computer vision," Springer Verlag , 1995
Ponce, Zisserman, Hebert (eds.), "Object representation in computer vision II", Springer Verlag, 1996
September 19 Isaac Weiss Geometric Invariants in Computer Vision    
September 26 David Mount 3-D Rotations and Quaternions D. Mount, "3-D Rotations and Quaternions" postscript postscript
October 3 Tapas Kanungo Bezier, Splines and NURBS for Computer Vision Farin, ``Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design,'' Academic Press, 1990
Mount, ``Graphics Class Notes,'' 1998
Koivunen and Bajcsy, ``Spline Representations in 3-D Vision,'' in Herbert, Ponce, Boult, and Gross, ``Object Representation in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes 994, pp. 177-190, 1995
Kanungo, Gay, Haralick, ``Constrained Monotone Regression of Receiver Operating Curves and Histograms Using Splines and Polynomials,'' IEEE ICIP, pp 292-295, 1995 pdf
October 10 Harsh Nanda Statistical Models of Appearance Cootes and Taylor, "Statistical Models of Appearance for Computer Vision" Postscript Power Point
October 17 Phil David Robust Methods for Computing Fundamental Matrices Zhang, ``Determining the Epipolar Geometry and its Uncertainty: A Review,'' IJCV (to appear) postscript
Faugeras and Laveau, ``Representing Three-Dimensional Data as a Collection of Images and Fundamental Matrices for Image Synthesis,'' ICPR94, Postscript
October 24 Yaser Yacoob Tracking Faces and Human Bodies Black and Yacoob, ``Tracking and Recognizing Rigid and Non-Rigid Facial Motions using Local Parametric Models of Image Motions,'' ICCV95, Postscript
Yacoob and Davis, ``Learned Models for Estimation of Rigid and Articulated Human Motion from Stationary or Moving Camera,'' IJCV, 36(1), 2000 Postscript
October 31 Qigong Zheng Mathematical Morphology:
Set-theoretic Representations for Binary Shapes and Relations
Haralick, Sternberg, and Zhuang, ``Image Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology,'' IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol 9, July 1987 Power Point
November 7 Doe-Wan Kim Geometric Point Matching L. G. Brown, "A Survey of Image Registration Techniques", ACM Computing Surveys, 1992
Mount el al,"Efficient Algorithms for Robust Point Pattern Matching and Applications to Image Registration", Pattern Recognition, 32 (1999) Postscript(full paper)
Postscript(without image)
PDF(full paper)
PDF(without image)
November 7 Chang-Ha Lee Geometric Point Matching Huttenlocher and Rucklidge, "A multi-resolution technique for comparing images using the Hausdorff distance", Tech. Report Postscript PDF
Goodrich, Mitchell and Orietsky, "Approximate Geometric Pattern Matching under Rigid Motions," PAMI, vol. 21, April 1999.
November 14 Song Mao Probabilistic Context Free Grammars
for Representing Action
Ivanov, Bobick, "Recognition of Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing", PAMI August, 2000
Ivanov, Bobick, "Parsing Multi-Agent Interactions", CVPR 99 Postscript
Bobick, Ivanov, "Action Recognition using Probabilistic Parsing", CVPR 98 Postscript
Ivanov, Bobick, "Probabilistic Parsing in Action Recognition", Tech. Report Postscript
November 21 Rama Chellappa Markov Random Fields Chellappa, "Two-dimensional discrete Gaussian Markov Random Field Models for Image Processing," in "Progress in Pattern Recognition 2," Kanal and Rosenfeld (eds.) 1985
Rangaragan and Chellappa, "A continuation method for image estimation using the adiabatic approximation," in "Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications," Chellappa and Jain (eds.), 1993
November 28 Kexue Liu Elastic Matching Methods Younes, "Comutable elastic distances between shapes," SIAM J. Applied Math., vol. 58, pp. 565-586, 1998 postscript PPT
December 5 Yiannis Aloimonos Visual Space Time Aloimonos Fermuller, ``Analyzing Action Representation,'' Postscript  
December 15 Zhihui Tang Multiresolution Meshes for Three Dimensional Models Hoppe, "Progressive Meshes," Computer Graphics, (SIGGRAPH 96), pp. 99-108 postscript
Hoppe, "New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes," IEEE Visualization, pp 59-66, 1999 postscript

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