Computer Vision Seminar
Fall 2000

Instructors: Rama Chellappa, Tapas Kanungo and Azriel Rosenfeld

Presentation Schedule and Slides

Course Description

The general theme for this semester will be representations for computer vision. This includes representations of camera and imaging geometry, lighting, motion and action, texture, curves and objects, uncertainty and noise, etc. Emphasis will be on understanding the mathematical details of the representations and methods for deriving those representations from noisy image data.

Student Participation

Students are responsible for doing the following things.

Potential Topics

The following list is intended to serve as a starting point for ideas for topics; feel free to suggest others that you think may be interesting and appropriate:

Research Resources

Participants will be provided with pointers to relevant conference proceedings and books. Possible sources are:


Grades will be based on the presentation and class participation. This is a 2-credit seminar. However, if a student is interested in doing a project he/she can earn 3 credits. Please contact one of the coordinators to discuss possible projects.

Contact Information

Name Office Phone Email
Rama Chellappa AVW 2365 301-405-3656
Tapas Kanungo AVW 3453 301-405-0125
Azriel Rosenfeld AVW 4411 301-405-4526


Any computer vision, image processing, computer graphics, or statistical pattern recognition class or permission of the instructor.

Meeting Time and Place

Day Time Room
Tuesday 3:30- 5:30 AVW 4424

Presentation Schedule